Part 28: Cats VS Cthulhu
All right! Time to revisit Middleport with our bloody big boat! ...unfortunately, that means sailing a lot, because we still can't teleport back.
Meanwhile, Lazlo throws up a couple of more paintings on his walls. A worldly man, he likes both the realistic...

...and the abstract.

He also likes letters.

Most of them don't say anything interesting this time, though.

Hell no! Nalleo is awful. He has potential, though! Maybe in the future he'll stop sucking.

Go away Rene.

Then, let's fill up our party.

All cats, all the time. By the way, while I was waiting for the votes to come in, I put X and R1 on auto and put a rubber band around the analogue sticks on my controller. Cue a couple of hours of sailing in circles, killing things and taking their stuff. There's some pretty decent money to be made that way!

Too bad it's still nowhere fucking near enough, huh?
(Actually, I just sharpened them to level 12 or so which is doable but doesn't break the bank. By the way, Nalkul's weapon is called One, Two and Three, while Champo's are Claws, Strong Claws and Wonder Claws, in that order.)

Then, it's down to the training hall to get the kitties up to scratch. Since the opposition scales to your level, this is a quick way to get lower level characters up to the appropriate level. Somehow I managed to beat all five rounds... sure, I cheat a lot, but still, I didn't expect to survive the fifth round.
Also, we should have read this last time, but hey.

Accepting it, Sir Lazlo has now become our leader, in both name and practice. The masses is born. The number one reason for this is that Sir Lazlo has the trust of numerous comrades. But behind that seems to be Lady Tactician Elenor's thought that the king's presence here is better hidden.
I have to hand it to him, that is some good reporting! Elenor didn't exactly announce that, so he must have sniffed it out somehow. Good job!

"I think it's worthy of being the base of the masses' operations. It definitely suits Sir Lazlo."
It seems the new name is being generally well-received aboard the ship.
Can't complain about this either! Wow. But you know as well as I do...

Madam Depression's son decided to go on a journey in search of something that would make uer happy.
"Oh, even my beloved son has left my side!" Madam Depression remarked as she wept bitterly.
...even this seems better than usual. Did he hire someone else to write this for him or something?

All right, that's enough dawdling. Middleport, here we come!

As we approach town, Chiepoo spots something weird from the deck...

Good job, Chiepoo, you yawned so loud you woke up Cthulhu. I can't bring you anywhere.

And now you're telling me I have to take care of this mess?

I don't think so. You do it.

The Moving Island (that's the name of the thing) is the sole remnant of the earlier Suikodens' range and formation system. Most characters can not reach this thing with their regular attacks - only magic and ranged attacks will do.
Chiepoo and the cats have no ranged attacks. WHOOPS.

Though they're not particularly great casters, each nay-kobold has a 3 in one element. Nalkul's 3 is in fire magic, Champo's lightning and Chiepoo's is earth, listed in more or less the order of usefulness in this fight. Lightning is a great element, but this critter is resistant to it, so I had Champo bring some backup in form of the Cyclone Rune I dug up earlier.

It's not too terribly effective, but it does the trick.
As a side note, as this spell illustrates, the fight is a bit iffy in the graphical sense - most spells that normally affect the ground will just hit the air here, which looks rather silly.

The Moving Island has several attacks, the most amusing of which is the one where it backs up...

...and rams the fuck out of the ship! I'm not sure I want to know what the inside looks like after an impact like that.

But it kind of hurts so let's try out that unite attack we picked up: the hilariously inappropriately named Meow Attack.

The reason it's inappropriate is that it's not an attack at all.

Instead, the naykobolds just flop down on the ground and roll around for a bit.

Somehow, this restores a bunch of HP.

The thing also has an attack where it spits ink, which has a chance to... make you sleep? I don't know how this works either.

Eventually, the kitty onslaught is too much for the creature, and it sinks beneath the waves, never to be seen again.

God damn cat people.

We cut to the war room. This scene is almost entirely pointless, but...

...that's the one important thing we're looking at here.

Fuck's sake, Nalleo, you're seventeen not seven. How do you not know these things with all those pirate chicks around?

I suppose they're just all terribly overprotective of the poor guy.

Sigurd makes a feeble effort to drag this back on track with some bullshit. He's actually not important for this part at all, and we lose nothing by leaving him behind.

Elenor knows what's up.


It's kind of nice to see Middleport again, but there's also some kind of freak waiting for us when we finally reach port.

...yes, they went there.

This is Schtolteheim Reinbach III. In the flesh.
I know opinions may differ on whether this was a good idea. Personally, I liked Schtoleteheim Reinbach III when he was just a silly injoke, but having him appear not only ruins the joke but also retcons the joke into a reference to this guy.

To add insult to injury, he's one of those people.

You know, the ones that make you listen to the most annoying theme in the entire series whenever they show up.

Telling him you want to start a business just causes him to say you don't look like merchants and then it continues the same as with the other option. I want this conversation over as soon as possible so I don't have to listen to that fucking music any more, so I pick the lower option.

In appreciation for cleansing the ocean, I shall spewak to my father on your behalf. Now, Micky, you will accompany us. Don't worry, I will smooth things over with my father.
Stop talking.



Now we can get back to the Middleport town theme, which is a whole damn lot easier on the ears.
Also, that's a pretty embarrassing case of ship envy.

Bitch, please. I'm here now. No one's invading shit with Lazlo in the vicinity.

No, wait. That might've been a trainee...
They remember me!

And Gunter is still here. Sadly, the money is nowhere near as impressive as it was before, but it doesn't matter because he won't join us yet anyway.

This old lady also remains.

Can't help it. All the ladies want Lazlo. All of them. It's kind of terrifying sometimes. At least Deborah doesn't look like she'll be able to chase him very fast.

I think you just got dumped, boyo!
Don't blame me. Blame yourself or god.

I can see that, lady. Your name tag is showing.

And that's number 65.

Appraise - Identifies dropped antiques automatically.
Pretty much worthless - it saves us 200 bucks if we find an antique. Most battles these days give out far more money than that, and if for whatever reason we cared to try and grind specifically for antiques, we'd be better off with someone who can increase the drop rate.

We can talk to Oskar, but all he'll do is sit here and lament his fate so that's a waste of time.

There's not much else of interest, so let's head for the lord's mansion.

God damn he's ugly.

...fine, one last time, for old times' sake.

The magic is lost.

Lazlo is rather more italic than bold. Oblique, really.

"Hey, I'm sorry about that EMBARRASSING DEAL you made with PEOPLE YOU SHOULD NOT BE DEALING WITH. I hope it didn't cause you too much TROUBLE."

I'm on to you.

Sadly, nothing comes of it.

Kooluk may have left this land once, but their army could return to Middleport at any time. Everyone knows this.

Implying? Nah, he's saying it straight out.

As much as I hate him being Schtolteheim Reinbach III, I can't be too harsh on Reinbach. He's annoying, like most of his ilk, but he does have good intentions.

If he can't say it, I'd be happy to do it for him...

Hell yes! Spill more of your dirty secrets, why don'tcha?

I say fuck you, old man, how about you step aside quietly and I'll replace you with your son who seems to know what's up? Because I have four witnesses here to your little confession just now... what I'd say if I could.

I won't object if you want to drag him out into an alley and beat him seneseless.
Anyway, Lazlo and his cohorts

Fade to black.

And of course, our other companions also have things to say...

...if they're in the right slot in the party. None of this is voiced, but I still appreciate the effort, even if there's slightly less of it now.

As we try to leave,

...Reinbach catches up.

I've realized that I must surpass my father and strive to be noble. After all, it is I who will eventually succeed him.
How about now. Now sounds like a good time. I can arrange it for you. Like. At any time. Just say the word.


Now, it's your turn. Please feel free to show us your sentiments. My friend, one of my acquaintances is an engraver. Will you bring the Rose Cres the made... as proof of our undying and everlasting friendship?
god damn you were just looking for someone to run your errands for you weren't you

Y-Yes, I suppose so...

Anyway, we can talk to Micky...

...and Reinbach, but we really don't want to.

Returning to the ship, we find that Deborah - and, as it turns out, Oskar - has set up shop on the fourth floor.

Find Treasure A - Chance of finding treasure is increased by 5%.
Oskar is our last and best treasure hunter. It's just up 1% from Igor (which is really fucking cheap, I just have to say) but a 5% boost isn't completely unnoticeable.
Pity I already have my ogre set

Could this be... Na-Nal?
Deborah is the closest we'll get to a detective in this game (insert standard Suikoden IV Was Rushed statement here) and will point us in the direction of any unrecruited but available Stars of Destiny.

Well, Na-Nal seems to be our next destination (with no further explanation - repeat standard S4 Was Rushed statement) but that means there's Plot there. We just had some of that and Plot is best enjoyed in smaller servings, so instead, next time we'll be doing Other Exciting Stuff! Don't miss it.